Live stream to video-on demand

How does a live stream become a video on demand?

There are various reasons why companies want to make their live stream permanently available: Employees who were ill or on vacation should be able to watch a townhall live stream even after the fact, or they are organising a trade fair or an online event and the content should also be available to interested parties at a later date. We'll show you how to turn your live stream into a video (on-demand).

Record a live stream and turn it into video

Live streams can be recorded on request or as needed. The better the sound and video quality of the live stream, the better the quality of the recorded video. During the live stream, you can edit it and display surveys or comments. It is also possible to edit and edit the video afterwards. The live stream recording can be started or stopped manually and produced at intervals or automatically. To ensure maximum quality for your content, you should convert the recorded live streams into all common codecs, container formats, and multiplex videos.

Create a media library

In order to upload the videos afterwards, it is particularly worthwhile to invest in your own media library for internal corporate communication and digital trade fairs and events. This gives you full control over your content and determines for yourself in which context it appears. Of course, you could also host your content on YouTube, Vimeo, or similar platforms. However, this has some disadvantages: Large video platforms could block accounts at any time and without warning and, in addition, videos cannot be placed behind a paywall.

3Q's solution

With our technology, you can easily record your live stream and then individually manage and configure it in our online video platform. With our encoding cluster, we get the most out of your content: endcoding, trimming, transcription and cropping are integrated. At the same time, you can comprehensively edit your content with our asset management system.

With our front-end solution from our NexxNeon product group, our customers can freely assemble their media library according to their own wishes. The content of various media types is simply uploaded and retrieved via APIs. The media library is template-based, which means the user interface, menu and functions can be individually configured, as well as forms, surveys, email templates, user administration, payment solution and much more. You can also maintain the media library yourself with little effort.

3Q also offers you targeted delivery of your videos with various access restrictions. In this way, you can ensure that your content is only available in a specific period of time or in specific regions and can only be played by authorized clients.

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