Knowledge Base

Your guides to creating a streaming platform, live-stream, and more.

Here you can find all information, such as REST API documentation or the Help Center. We will also be providing video tutorials soon.

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Useful Tools

We are happy to provide you with useful tools or SDKs to implement your projects.

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Connect our platform to your systems.

Help Center

All the information you need to know about using our platform.


Fast and dynamic — Our powerful HTML5 player.

Player Demo

Try out our player and unique video engine.

Useful Tools

PHP API Connector SDK

This software development kit provides a PHP library to connect to our API.

Streaming Demand Calculator

With this tool, you can calculate your monthly storage and data transfer requirements.

File Uploader

Integrate a video loader for 3Q into the backend or portal. You can also find a server-to-server solution in this repository.