TALKING HEADS with Sascha Walther

Our ECDN partner Kollective

Kollective is the leading independent provider of ECDN (Enterprise Content Delivery Network) infrastructures. Kollective offers a cloud-based, pure software platform that uses existing network infrastructure to deliver live and on-demand video content faster, more reliably, and more efficiently with less bandwidth.

The modern workplace requires always-on video communication, and Kollective has emerged as a reliable solution for CIOs who need enterprise-quality cloud-based video delivery. Kollective supports the new hybrid work reality to promote productivity and organizational alignment while enabling consistent and seamless video engagement.

Kollective also provides full “last mile” telemetry and visibility via an AI-driven analytics platform that provides deep insights into network performance and management.

Find out what Kollective has to offer and what benefits you get from our partnership with Kollective in a video interview with Sascha Walther, Regional Sales Director by Kollective.

Would you like to learn more about how you can integrate Kollective eCDN into your corporate network?

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