Why a video portal for companies?


A video portal — also known as corporate TV or video hub — is a video library that is always available, has a similar structure to a movie streaming platform or app, but was developed specifically for corporate content — for example for training, introductory videos, product videos or recorded live streams from Town Halls, General Meetings and Conferences.

Similar to a streaming service for private users, a corporate video portal offers viewers, in this case employees and external stakeholders, a user-friendly platform with practical features, such as user-defined channels, playlists, video recommendations, search functions, comment and rating functions, access security and the familiar experience of a “movie app.”



In addition to great ease of use, the right video hub solution for corporate communication offers various advantages: Features such as interference-free video playback on any device (including smart TVs), the ability to stream live events, subscription and e-commerce options, and full integration with internal applications in the areas of marketing, HR and corporate communications are standard.

A corporate video portal allows companies to deliver video content to stakeholders in the same way as media companies — at a fraction of the cost and without an IT team having to manage everything.

Companies without a video portal often face various challenges

  • When all video content (unsorted) is stored on a server, employees have difficulty finding relevant videos.
  • Employees feel overwhelmed and frustrated because they have to navigate through a flood of recordings to find meaningful video content and often eventually give up.
  • If there is no central video ecosystem, consistent messaging to achieve strategic communication goals is hampered.
  • Communicators do not have access to reliable data analysis and insights to measure the effectiveness of their communication activities and to consider and meet employee preferences.
  • With unstructured video content, it's difficult for communicators to ensure that important information reaches employees.

The Lack of a Central Video Platform Often Results in

  • Inefficient communication
  • Lower employee engagement
  • Fragmented knowledge sharing
  • Inconsistent Branding and Messaging
  • Difficulties with scaling communications


Why use a video portal for internal communication?

Video has become an essential tool for workplace communication. Employees prefer visual content, particularly videos, when they consume information at work. Various studies show that the integration of videos into internal communication can significantly increase employee engagement.

When it comes to internal use, companies can offer employees a centralized, ready-to-use, easy-to-manage, and familiar system to access video content across the organization. Content producers can also make individual videos or entire playlists accessible by role, department, or team and manage internal use of video content down to user level.

Delivering video on demand is just one of the benefits. A video portal is also suitable for streaming and managing internal live events, such as works meetings, honors, workshops, cultural events or kick-off events. It supports an unlimited number of concurrent viewers and automatically optimizes the video content for every device.

Why use a video portal for external communication?

To involve your external stakeholders, separate access to your corporate video portal can be set up, which is intended for all external groups, such as customers, suppliers, analysts, investors, journalists. Both on-demand videos and live events (product presentations, partner training, financial reports, analyst briefings or press conferences) can be saved and made accessible by user type.

A video portal can also be the home for a company's most important marketing and lead generation assets. Not only can all video assets be made available on the video portal, but it is also possible to integrate solutions for paid subscriptions and technologies for marketing automation and analysis. The Recordings of Live Marketing Events such as Expert Panels, Webinars or Entertainment-Oriented Content can be distributed from the video portal to other (external) channels with just a few clicks.


Optimize corporate communication with a central video portal


With a central video ecosystem, you can easily manage and distribute all your video content in a structured and catalogued way via a user-friendly interface designed in your corporate design. You also have access to reliable data analyses and AI tools, for example for automated subtitling and translation of your video content or for converting text content into audio files.

  • Encourage employee engagement with a centralized video portal that makes internal video communications more vivid
  • Implement employee-centered communication by seamlessly delivering departmental, strategic, and topic-specific video content in one place
  • Encourage continuous learning by compiling personalized video playlists and tailored recommendations that inspire exploration and development
  • Retain external stakeholders and your marketing audience who are happy to come back for the latest information on your video portal
  • Gain analytical insights into viewer engagement and the effectiveness of your video content to make data-driven decisions for successful video communication.

A company-owned video portal provides an ideal addition to the company's other media offerings. Content can be linked together to enable a cross-media marketing strategy. For example, if you've published a post on a specific topic on your company blog, you can revisit it in a video for your video portal and look at it from a different angle or add additional information. This content can then be optimally distributed via your profiles on social networks. In this way, you can use all your corporate communication channels with appealing, interesting audiovisual contributions.

If you cleverly integrate your video content into your corporate communications, you can also reach completely new target groups and retain them with your company.

Would you like more information? Have a look at this video: Why does Abraxas Informatik AG use a professional video platform?

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